Donnerstag, 03. Oktober 2024
Innovative SMS Gateway & Messaging solutions

Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)

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Are there any restrictions with numeric originators? [Q1043]

ASPSMS has provided a numeric originator function (normally a mobile phone number) since 2001. ASPSMS continues to provide that function generally, but unfortunately some of the operators have begun to block some of the numeric originators in their GSM networks. Normally blocking emerges only when using a local inland number is specified as an originator.

ASPSMS is informing in its network list about the GSM networks with restrictions for numeric originators.

If there is a restriction with numeric originators in a specific network, the SMS behaviour is not always the same. Scenarios below are possible, when sending with a numeric originator to a restricted network:

  • SMS with an inland number as an originator is not going through, but SMS with originator number from abroad is going through without problems.
  • SMS is going through but the destination network automatically changes originator to a specific short-code.
  • SMS is going through without problems.

Unfortunately ASPSMS cannot do anything about these restrictions, because it is implemented directly by the specific destination mobile operator. ASPSMS recommends users to test the specific numeric originator, when sending to networks which are marked as restricted.

For these networks with a numeric originator restriction, ASPSMS recommends clients to use an international numeric originator or purchase a global two-Way number from ASPSMS, which can be used as a numeric originator.

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Sie bezahlen ausschliesslich die von Ihnen gewünschte SMS-Menge und dies zu extrem günstigen Konditionen.
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Global Two-Way SMS
Teste unseren neuen Two-Way SMS Service mit globaler Reichweite. Keine SIM-Karte wird dafür gebraucht, keine Setup-Gebühr, in wenigen Minuten aufgesetzt und eine sehr kleine Abo-Gebühr pro Monat...
Roaming in andere Länder
Unser Spezialangebot. Ohne Zusatzgebühren erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit, SMS in die Mobilfunknetze von über 200 Ländern zu schicken.


Unterstützte Mobilfunkanbieter in Ihrem Land:

Digitec Connect
Lidl Connect
OK Mobile
Sunrise Mobile
Swisscom Mobile