Wednesday, October 02, 2024
Innovative SMS Gateway & Messaging solutions Newsletter, 10.2009

Customer information

Dear Joachim von Watt

As a registered client of ASPSMS youget the latest information about our newly available SMS applications.


- Outlook Mobile Service - Case study 3: Security Service
- Advertising: Seminarland Thurgau
- Advertising: Was kostet eine professionelle Übersetzung?
- List your ASPSMS application at our 3rd-party solutions!
- screen-up day
- Products, based on the ASPSMS system

Outlook Mobile Service -
Case study 2: Security Service

Security Service Radio CommunicationAt any time tens of thousands of security guards are busy guarding somebody or something. Hardin Security Ltd. has cut a slice of this lucrative pie and employs a couple of hundred security guards in the UK.

Hardin Ltd. offers several security services such as, uniformed and civil shop surveillance, company, building and personal protection and any kind of security patrols.

The different assignments spread over the whole country (even the Shetland Islands) have to be coordinated fail-safe.

Microsoft Outlook 2007 Mobile Service turned out to be the perfect solution for the communication between the office in London and the guards all over the country:

E-mails can be forwarded to the securities - no more annoying dispatch of operation schedules. An SMS reaches the recipient and can be reread. The hands know they are always up to date. It's easy to reach a whole group. SMS are fast, reliable and unambiguous.

Fact: The short and concise communication by SMS results in simple an efficient coordination of hands.

Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 - MobiltelefonAs main instrument of communication, the Outlook Mobile Service is used in combination with ASPSMS.COM

Thanks to the AUTOREPLY feature of the ASPSMS System messages can be sent to Outlook.

The answer messages get sent to the Microsoft Outlook 2007 Inbox.

The coordinator stores mobile numbers of the guards in the Microsoft Outlook 2007 address book. Additionally he holds groups by various criteria.


Rock Hardin who founded Hardin Security Ltd. has just sent a reminder for a self-defense course in Sheffield to the 40 guys of the local Motorcycle Club who are long-serving employees of Hardin Ltd.

SMS-OUT: Hi folks! Don't forget the course tonight at Kings Lane 11 which you have signed up for!

Because of the AUTOREPLY function Rock gets the answer messages from his colleagues in the Outlook 2007 inbox.

SMS-IN: Long time not seen old man. How are you? We're having bbq at the club on tuesday. Would be a pleasure thing to have you over...

A look into his Outlook Calendar tells Rock that there is no reason to refuse this invitation. He gets a train ticket online and marks Tuesday and Wednesday of the following week as holiday.

SMS-OUT: Hi Dan, nice to hear from you and thanx for the invitation! I'll be there. And I will bring the whisky - the good one!! See you Tuesday..

It's easy to set up a reminder SMS: Rock right clicks the concerning item in the calendar, selects forward as text message, enters his own number as recipient and amends the sentence with "get whisky!!". With the option Schedule Send he schedules the text message for Monday evening.

Please read on below the ad ...
Thurgau Seminarland: Gewinnen Sie CHF 500.00 für eine Tagung im Seminarland Thurgau. Lesen Sie hier weiter ...

Thurgau Seminarland
Jetzt an der Verlosung von Thurgau Tourismus teilnehmen:Gewinnen Sie CHF 500.00 für eine Tagung im Seminarland Thurgau.

Lesen Sie hier weiter ...
... Continued:

BouncersRock got a phone call from a customer who had some troubles with a gang. The customer wanted two more securities in front of his club for the next couple of days.

Hardin Ltd. has got some more guards in this area of course. Because Rock has classified his contacts by towns he can reach the concerning employees with a few clicks.

SMS-OUT: (to the Groups Leeds, Manchester and York) Hi folks, it's Rock! Looking for two guys to make four night shifts at X Club in Leeds.

SMS-IN: Hi rock, i'll do it. Ty

SMS-IN: I'd like to do that, leroy

SMS-OUT: (Ty and Leroy) Thank you for the quick answer. You get the job. The address: Club X, Springwell Rd. Leeds. Contact the manager, Mr Eccles at 8 o'clock on Thursday at the club. See you.

SMS-OUT: (to Mr. Eccles) Ty and Leroy will make the job. They will contact you on Thursday at 8 o'clock at the club. Sincerely yours Rock Hardin.

Rock usually sends a reminder to his employees. As described above he sets up a Scheduled SMS to Ty and Leroy and the Outlook Mobile Service will manage the rest.

Thanks to the seamless integration of the Outlook Mobile Service, Microsoft Outlook 2007 works as perfect communication centre for Rock Hardin. Thanks to the adoption of SMS communication the costs for phone calls could be reduced significantly and a wide network of employees was be set up.

And that's how it works:

Was kostet eine professionelle Übersetzung? - Übersetzungen auf Knopfdruck
Berechnen Sie jetzt online Offerten für eine professionelle Übersetzung nach dem 4-Augen-Prinzip. Über 20 Sprachen. Nahezu alle Fachgebiete. Lieferzeit innerhalb 6 Stunden.

Lesen Sie hier weiter ...

List your ASPSMS application at our 3rd-party solutions!

Take the chance and additionally advertise your own ASPSMS based softwaree.g. your content management system or your branch specific solution thatsends SMS through the ASPSMS system on:

That's how it works:

  1. Send us a link or a demo version of your softwarewith the appropriate login data to so we cantest your product.

  2. We shall examine your software and let you know if we shall publish it at ASPSMS 3rd-party solutions.Please understand that we can only take well-engineered and error free products into consideration.

  3. If we decide to publish your product, we shall ask you for further information:
    1. Product logo
    2. Product description (title)
    3. Product version
    4. Short description
    5. Detailed product description
    6. Price/currency
    7. Purchase- or download link
    8. Further useful information that helps

    If you have a german documentation, don't hesitate to send it for our german website.

Examples for an listing on ASPSMS 3rd-party solutions: - messbar besser
scree-up dayAdSpot

screen-up day, 29. September 2009
Kaufleuten Zürich

The only Swiss TV industry exhibition took place and glazed with a rich program. was there with a camera crew. You can find the interviews with Marcel Bosshard, Reto Burkhalter, Tamara Cantieni, David Brennan, Dominik Kaiser, Sascha Ruefer & Sven Epiney, Andreas Grasel, Michi Frank, Anke Schäferkordt, Martin Schneider, Dr. Christian Scheier, Mike Gut und Patrick Knecht here...

screen-up 2009:
screen-up 2009:

screen-up 2009:
Anke Schäferkordt (RTL)

News around the screen-up day shows pictures and videos of the Swiss TV-Day
Reade more here at the Swiss TV Exhibition in Zürich
Reade more here

It's the right moment to strike a new path for TV-Advertisement
Reade more here

Your contact at

Ernst BoeschMarcus WaltenbergFreddy ProstChris Sigrist
Ernst J. BoeschMarcus D. WaltenbergFreddy ProstChris Sigrist
Eichstrasse 25
8045 Zürich

Telefon: +41 (0)44 468 20 20
Telefax: +41 (0)44 468 20 21

Products based on the
ASPSMS system



Credit Warning

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Available SMS tools and interfaces for ASPSMS

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Indestructible: Renaissance of SMS in the Digital Age
New SMS Blaster Windows Version: Try it out now
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We offer several attractive affiliate programs for developers, portals, ISP's, magazines, download sites and personal individuals.
No Setup Fee
Our prices are easy to understand! No setup costs, no maintanance fees, no fix costs at all. You pay just the desired SMS volume and based on very advantageous prices.
SMS for your Visitors
Add a SMS portal to your website or your clients website. A very good marketing instrument to get high traffic and to open new revenue streams based on next generation mobile technologies.
Global Two-Way SMS
Check out our new Two-Way SMS Service with global reach! No SIM-cards needed, no setup fee, very fast setup and a very low monthly price per number...
Roaming to other Countries
Our special offer: At no additional costs you get the possibility to send SMS to more than 200 countries.


Supported operators in your country:

Digitec Connect
Lidl Connect
OK Mobile
Sunrise Mobile
Swisscom Mobile