Wednesday, October 02, 2024
Innovative SMS Gateway & Messaging solutions Newsletter, 01.2009

Customer information

Dear Joachim von Watt

As a registered client of ASPSMS youget the latest information about our newly available SMS applications.


- SMSBLASTER.COM web edition - Case study 4: Ski School Caduff
- ASPSMS Global Two-Way SMS System
- List your ASPSMS application at our 3rd-party solutions!
- Products, based on the ASPSMS system

SMSBLASTER.CH web edition - Case study 4: Ski School Caduff in Davos

Mario und Till beim aufwärmen.The Ski School Caduff in Davos coordinates the assignments of all ski-, snowboard- und nordic ski-teachers and their guests with the dem SMSBLASTER.COM web edition.

Depending on the season up to 30 teachers are assigned. They teach rookiees to advanced guests in groups or individually.

Fabian coordinates guests and teacher assignments from out of the warm snuggery.

Fact: Communication by SMS is reliable and binding and suitable for information and coordination of groups.

SMSBLASTER.CH web editionAs main instrument of communication, the SMSBLASTER.COM webedition is used in combination with a Global Two-Way number (e.g. +447624000000).

The coordinator Fabian sends all short messages with this number as originator.

Teachers and guests send short messages to Fabian the coordinator exclusively to the Global Two-Way number+447624000000.

All replies of teachers and guests are received in the Two-Way Inbox of the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition.

Fabian maintains all Adresses and mobile phone numbers of teachers and guests in the address book of the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition. Addidionally he maintains an address group "teachers".


Berge.Season start
November 20th, Fabian reminds all teachers of the season start briefing the next day:

(The place holder <First name> is being substituted by the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition with the first name of the recipient according to the address book.)

SMS-OUT (to the group "teachers"): Ciao <First name>! season start briefing: tommorrow 8am, Restaurant Post. Please confirm with name. Cheers Fabian

SMS-IN: rodger! gion
SMS-IN: Hi Fabian. Im in bed with flue. Will let you know when back. regardy, susanne
SMS-IN: good, till tommorrow. kiss, Hanni
SMS-IN: great! Dagi

Skilehrer.Individual lessons
Virna Mayer (37) from Aargau books 2 lessons every day for one week. She explicitely asks for a snappy teacher.

Fabian checks the availability of the male teachers and sends the following text message:

SMS-OUT (to Ignaz Giovanoli): Guest: Virna Mayer, ability: 4 Red League, date: 07.-14.01.2009, time: 09:30 - 11:30 where: Davos station, Ticket: 7 doubleunit.VM private SB, phone guest: +41780000000

SMS-IN (from Ignaz Giovanoli): got it, thank you. Ignaz

SMS-OUT (to Virna Mayer):Datum: 07.-14.01.2009,Zeit: 09:30,where: Davos statopm,Teacher: Ignaz Giovanoli,Ticket: 7 doubleunit.VM private SB,phone, teacher: +41790000000

Skischule.Group lessons are booked
8 children applied for each of the the ability groups "rookie" and "advanced". Fabian assigns two teachers to each group and informs all:

(The place holder <First name> is being substituted by the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition with the first name of the recipient according to the address book.)

SMS-OUT (to all children): Hi <First name>,date: 09.01.2009,time: 09:30,meeting point: Davos station

SMS-IN: good, till tommorrow
SMS-IN: Jonas is sick, can't come unfort., Mona Vetsch
SMS-IN: looking fwd
SMS-IN: OK, can't wait, mario :-)

SMS-OUT (to four teachers): Sali <First name>,WC-children: rookies + advanced,detail plan at office,date: 09.01.2009,time: 09:30,meeting point: Davos station

SMS-IN: alles klar, rosie
SMS-IN: güet, David
SMS-IN: bingo, Fredi
SMS-IN: ski heil, grüässli Fanz

All personal and lesson changes are communicated withhelp of the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition, too.

And that's how it works:

  1. ASPSMS account

  2. Order ASPSMS credits

  3. Order global Two-Way number

  4. Unlock global Two-Way number as originator

  5. Enter credit warnings

  6. Login to SMSBLASTER.COM web edition

  7. Enter/import Addresses

  8. Let's go!

ASPSMS Global Two-Way SMS System

Global Two-Way SMS - Jetzt bestellenSend SMS with a Global Two-Way number als originator.

Facts about the ASPSMS Global Two-Way SMS System:
  • The minimum rental period of a Global Two-Way SMS number is 12 months
    (EUR 120.00/year or USD 180.00/year)
  • only english numbers (+44762481xxxx)
    (no other long numbers or shortids available)
  • no reverse-billing
  • Costs for a SMS to a Global Two-Way SMS number are according to the operator contract: same costs like for sending an international SMS
Advantages of the ASPSMS Global Two-Way SMS System:
  • Simple forwarding of short messages to an e-mail address
  • Direkter back channel to SMSBLASTER.COM web edition
  • Forward to and integration in software environments like CRM-, ERP- oder other systems
  • Bidirectional messaging with global reach -> Coverage list
  • One or more numbers exclusively for you
  • No number sharing
  • No more problems with keywords
  • No SIM-cards needed
  • No setup fee
  • Very fast setup
  • Low Price (10 Euro or 15 USD per month)
  • ASPSMS Global Two-Way numbers have become more and more popular
More infos about the ASPSM Global Two-Way SMS System

Brings intelligence to your SMS services. People whoreceive an SMS from you are now able to reply directlyvia SMS. The reply is received by our servers andforwarded by e-mail or HTTP-Post directly to yourapplications ... More

Get your own, personal Global Two-Way number now:

Order Now!

And that's how it works:

  1. ASPSMS account

  2. Order global Two-Way number

  3. If you need a continuous range of numbers,
    please contact us first:
  4. Unlock global Two-Way number as originator

  5. Login to SMSBLASTER.COM web edition

  6. Let's go!

List your ASPSMS application at our 3rd-party solutions!

Take the chance and additionally advertise your own ASPSMS based software e.g. your content management system or your branch specific solution thatsends SMS through the ASPSMS system on:

That's how it works:

  1. Send us a link or a demo version of your softwarewith the appropriate login data to so we cantest your product.

  2. We shall examine your software and let you know if we shall publish it at ASPSMS 3rd-party solutions.Please understand that we can only take well-engineered and error free products into consideration.

  3. If we decide to publish your product, we shall ask you for further information:
    1. Product logo
    2. Product description (title)
    3. Product version
    4. Short description
    5. Detailed product description
    6. Price/currency
    7. Purchase- or download link
    8. Further useful information that helps

    If you have a german documentation, don't hesitate to send it for our german website.

Examples for an listing on ASPSMS 3rd-party solutions:

Products based on the
ASPSMS system



Credit Warning

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Available SMS tools and interfaces for ASPSMS

Are you still not a client of ASPSMS? Just proceed here to register!
Information and announcements about the state of the ASPSMS system.

Latest News

Indestructible: Renaissance of SMS in the Digital Age
New SMS Blaster Windows Version: Try it out now
Registered customers of ASPSMS receive at irregular intervals news about ASPSMS or news from the telecommunications world as well as information about planned maintenance work.
Tutorials, knowledge, case studies and news related to the ASPSMS Gateway.
Affiliate Program
We offer several attractive affiliate programs for developers, portals, ISP's, magazines, download sites and personal individuals.
No Setup Fee
Our prices are easy to understand! No setup costs, no maintanance fees, no fix costs at all. You pay just the desired SMS volume and based on very advantageous prices.
SMS for your Visitors
Add a SMS portal to your website or your clients website. A very good marketing instrument to get high traffic and to open new revenue streams based on next generation mobile technologies.
Global Two-Way SMS
Check out our new Two-Way SMS Service with global reach! No SIM-cards needed, no setup fee, very fast setup and a very low monthly price per number...
Roaming to other Countries
Our special offer: At no additional costs you get the possibility to send SMS to more than 200 countries.


Supported operators in your country:

Digitec Connect
Lidl Connect
OK Mobile
Sunrise Mobile
Swisscom Mobile