Wednesday, October 02, 2024
Innovative SMS Gateway & Messaging solutions

Case Studies: Team Communication

Skatepark Flatland: Summer-School Coordination

The Skatepark Flatland opened in 2008. Whenever the weather permits, the park is widely used. During summer holidays the skatepark runs skateboard workshops for kids.

In the early years the coordination of leaders and participants was rather improvised and accordingly bumpy: jumbles of bits of paper, email, text messages, voice-calls etc.

Since Reto Frey has taken the organization of the Summer School Program into own hands, all communication is done by text messages, using SMSBLASTER web edition in combination with an ASPSMS Global Two-Way Number.

Fact: Communication by SMS is reliable and binding and suitable for information and coordination of groups.

As main instrument of communication, the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition is used in combination with a Global Two-Way number (e.g. +41790000000).

The coordinator Reto sends all short messages with this number as originator.

Teachers and kids send short messages to the coordinator Reto exclusively to the Global Two-Way number +41790000000.

All replies of teachers and kids are received in the Two-Way Inbox of the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition. All incoming text messages are additionally forwarded to Reto's assistant Caro by email.

Reto maintains all addresses and mobile phone numbers of teachers and kids in the address book of the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition. Additionally he maintains an address group «teachers».


Teachers briefing
July 1st, Reto reminds all teachers of briefing for Summer School start next Monday:

(The place holder is being substituted by the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition with the first name of the recipient according to the address book.)

SMS-OUT (to the group «teachers»): Ciao ! Reminder: Skate-Workshop-Briefing 8pm @flatland. Cheers Reto

SMS-IN: roger! harry
SMS-IN: Hi Reto. Im in bed with flue. Will let you know when back. regards, bernd
SMS-IN: good, till monday, Bibo
SMS-IN: great! looking fwd, lars

Program change
Blue sky, sunshine - the whole first week. On Tuesday of the second week, however, the weather forecast for the following day is not good. The Instructors have informed the kids about the possible alternative program in the indoor pool. The definitive information to be given tommorrow morning at 07:20 clock by text message:

(The place holder is being substituted by the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition with the first name of the recipient according to the address book.)

SMS-OUT (to all teachers and all kids): Skatepark Flatland: Hi , today definitely RAINING :-/ Meeting point 09h30 AM at foyer indoor pool, CU there - Reto, Skatepark Flatland

SMS-IN: cu later
SMS-IN: Jacqueline is sick and has to stay at home, today. Regards, Edith Benz

All personal and lesson changes are communicated with help of the SMSBLASTER.COM web edition, too.

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