Donnerstag, 03. Oktober 2024
Innovative SMS Gateway & Messaging solutions


Hier einige ASP VB-Script Beispiele, welche für den IIS (Internet Information Server) von Microsoft oder jede andere Application die ActiveX/COM-Objekte unterstützt, gedacht sind. Sie können den Code nach belieben ändern, sofern Sie die Definitionen in der Dokumentation einhalten.

Simple Text SMS | Bulk SMS | Flashing SMS | Alphanumeric Originator | SMS with delivery notification | SMS with error validation | WAP-Push |

SMS mit Auswertung möglicher Fehler

If you want to be sure, that the SMS has been sent succesfully to the ASPSMS gateway, just add some lines of additional code. Here is the complete list of possible error codes.



  ' (c) 2001 by VADIAN.NET AG
  ' simple sms example with error validation

  Set SMS = Server.CreateObject("ASPSMS.Booster")
  SMS.Userkey = "I3QHMYKEY6E"
  SMS.Password = "mypassword"
  SMS.Originator = "0041763255533"
  SMS.MessageData = "hello dad, call me in an hour! love, cathy"
  SMS.AddRecipient "0044734255533"

  if SMS.ErrorCode<>1 then
   response.write("An error occured:<br>")
   response.write("SMS.Errorcode = " & SMS.ErrorCode & "<br>")
   response.write("SMS.ErrorDescription = " & SMS.ErrorDescription)
   response.write("SMS sent to gateway.")
  end if

  Set SMS = Nothing


Weitere ASP VB-Script Beispiele:

Simple Text SMS | Bulk SMS | Flashing SMS | Alphanumeric Originator | SMS with delivery notification | SMS with error validation | WAP-Push |


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SMS Tools und Interfaces für ASPSMS