Donnerstag, 03. Oktober 2024
Innovative SMS Gateway & Messaging solutions


Hier einige ASP VB-Script Beispiele, welche für den IIS (Internet Information Server) von Microsoft oder jede andere Application die ActiveX/COM-Objekte unterstützt, gedacht sind. Sie können den Code nach belieben ändern, sofern Sie die Definitionen in der Dokumentation einhalten.

Simple Text SMS | Bulk SMS | Flashing SMS | Alphanumeric Originator | SMS with delivery notification | SMS with error validation | WAP-Push |

Delivery Notifications

Optional you may set a transaction number and transmit it together with the SMS to our aspsms servers. This enables you to track the delivery of each message. Just add a unique transaction number to the method SMS.AddRecipient separated with a comma.



  ' (c) 2001 by VADIAN.NET AG
  ' with delivery notification

  Set SMS = Server.CreateObject("ASPSMS.Booster")
  SMS.Userkey = "I3QHMYKEY6E"
  SMS.Password = "mypassword"
  SMS.Originator = "0041763255533"
  SMS.MessageData = "hello dad, call me in an hour! love, cathy"
  SMS.FlashingSMS = False
  SMS.URLDeliveryNotification = ""
  SMS.URLBufferedMessageNotification = ""
  SMS.URLNonDeliveryNotification = ""
  SMS.AddRecipient "0044734255533", "0001"
  lResult = SMS.ErrorCode
  Set SMS = Nothing




Additional comments:

In this example we will execute an HTTP GET Request to if the SMS has been delivered succesfully to the recipients mobile phone.

If the SMS has been buffered first, we will first execute an HTTP GET Request to your webserver like

If the SMS couldn't be delivered, we will execute an HTTP GET Request to your webserver like

Naming of the URLs and Querystring parameters:

Your completely free how you want to name the URLs and the querystring parameters. We will just add the transaction number behind the URL that you specified within the methods.

Weitere ASP VB-Script Beispiele:

Simple Text SMS | Bulk SMS | Flashing SMS | Alphanumeric Originator | SMS with delivery notification | SMS with error validation | WAP-Push |

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SMS Tools und Interfaces für ASPSMS